Main program

The main programme will be finalized soon, so check out some of the topics that will certainly not be missed.

9:00 - 9:15

Keynote konference

Přivítání, zahájení, představení programu a workshopů.

Jakub Rejzek

Výbor nezávislého ICT průmyslu

Milan Vonšík

9:15 - ....

Program bude doplněn ....

Wireless Technology

After a year, we will once again return to the popular topic of the principles of wireless links. But we'll also dive deeper into the subject - how calculations actually work, useful tips and tricks for effective planning, and much more. Technical enthusiasts will also find the lecture on MW antennas and their operation useful. Are you familiar with antennas with actively controlled irradiators? There will also be specific news from manufacturers.


CTU methodology for frequency coordination + how the calculation table works 

Zajímá vás, jak postupuje Úřad při stanovování volného kmitočtu, pokud si požádáte o Individuální oprávnění? Ačkoliv by se mohlo zdát, že přidělení rádiového kmitočtu je proces jednoduchý, může mít spoustu úskalí, a navíc lze vhodnou optimalizací ušetřit nemalé peníze. Prozkoumáme tuto problematiku jak z pohledu ISP, tak nám ČTÚ poodkryje oponu do zákulisí.  Jaká jsou pravidla, technické normy a postupy?  

The lecture will be complemented by the topic of radio service availability calculation tables. It is an interesting calculation that can, according to ITU recommendations and climate models, determine quite accurately the loss of signal strength depending on statistically probable weather conditions. Suitable for anyone interested in how to build resilient infrastructure. 

Legislation and regulation

We cannot miss the traditional legislative window - a telegraphic summary of the biggest news of last year, where everyone will find their own. Get the highlights for this year in just an hour! Do you know, for example, how the opening of the 26 GHz band is advancing or what changes await us in the 6 GHz band? 


Regulation - year-on-year changes, summary of best practices  

Legislation and regulation in telecommunications is a topic we don't particularly like, but it is an integral part of our business. Jakub Rejzek will summarize the most important points for telecommunications business in 2025 in his lecture.  

  • ZEK Amendment 

  • Spectrum regulation and news 

  • GIA Adaptation Act  

  • Spectrum control processes 

How to use BCO to communicate with municipalities. 

Communication with municipalities cannot be neglected. Do you want to invest in infrastructure in a municipality, but are faced with unrealistic requirements, or do you want to coordinate construction work?  

A "support" department of the Broadband Competence Office has been created at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, consisting of management, methodological department and territorial staff. We highly recommend listening to the lecture on how to use this institute for investments in the territory. In cooperation with your association, of course.  

Mobile Fix Communication network (MFCN) is a concept for the future development of networks in which FWA plays an important role. In this lecture, based on data from an MIT analysis, we will look into one of the scenarios for the development of electronic communication networks. The technical topic of synchronization of TDD devices in the prevention of inter-operator interference will also be part of the lecture and the subsequent discussion.  


Bezpečnost sítí je nejenom velké téma, ale má praktické dopady na provozování a projektování sítí všech velikostí. Zaměříme se tak nejenom na oddělení řídící a uživatelské roviny v síti, jedno z hlavních témat letoška, ale i na konkrétnější případy, jako blokování obsahu v síti nebo trendy od etalonu trhu – společnosti Fortinet. Velkém tématem pak bude ochrana WiFi sítí a jejich penetrační testování. 

Read more

We will not forget other topics - we will look into the still popular WiFi, summarize more than a year of the bestseller Tachyon on the CZ market and introduce other new products in the portfolio. While last year POL (passive optical LAN) was only theoretically discussed, this year we will proudly present the first real deployment in CZ - coverage of a hotel with XX rooms. Power supply will not be left aside either - especially the nowadays so popular backup systems, their optimization for different types of batteries, TCO comparison of individual systems, and much more. 

The neglected topic of telecommunication power supply. Basic principles of DC power systems, their key advantages over AC power. A review of standards and norms that are key to the safety and efficiency of power solutions. The presentation will then focus on the types of batteries used in telecom systems - from traditional lead acid batteries to advanced Lifepo technology. We'll delve into their operating characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and the potential for use in specific applications.